Monday, 17 December 2007

3rd phase + going to Nepal!

Well, the project has been more or less a success! Here's where we are at the start of December 2007, about two months short of a year from starting the project:

  • two school buildings have been constructed
  • doors + windows + basic furniture have been installed
  • plastering and painting has been completed
  • school is more or less ready!

The official school opening date has been set: 2 January 2008. I am going to Nepal on 30 December 2007 and will arrive in Kaaule on the 1st of January. There will be an inauguration ceremony with representatives from nearby villages, school teachers, district education development department and so on. I'll post photos of the event and the school when I come back, in the end of January.

There is still a lot of work left to do on the school:
  • playground construction
  • office room
  • toilets
  • additional furniture and other supplies
However, the bulk of the work has been completed and that's quite exciting!

Here are some fresh photos:
